Canada’s 7th Annual Digital Classroom Video Challenge Winners Capture Excellent Examples of 21st Century in Action


Canada’s 7th Annual Digital Classroom Video Challenge Winners Capture Excellent Examples of 21st Century in Action

TORONTO, ONTARIO, March 4, 2015: MindShare Learning is pleased to announce the three Canadian regional winners of the 7th Annual MindShare Learning Digital Learning Video Challenge.

The goal of the classroom video challenge was to inspire K-12 educators across Canada to share their 21st century teaching practices, using technology infused pedagogy and how it played a vital role in engaging and motivating their students to support their success.

Our national winners are a testament to Canadian teaching excellence and their innovative spirit to nurture student success,” says Robert Martellacci, President and Publisher of the MindShare Learning Report. “I’m especially grateful for our generous and valued sponsors, partners and judges panel, who help make this a true team effort and national collaboration. It takes a digital village to raise a child in the 21st Century.”

MindShare Learning would like to recognize the winners from Western, Central, and Eastern Canada for their outstanding video entries. These teachers rose above a very competitive field of entries in their abilities to use technology to enhance student learning in their classrooms using a wide variety of tech tools.


Western Canada

Teacher: Shane Reader
School: Hazelgrove Elementary (Grade 3/4)

Location: Surrey, British Columbia
Link to Video:

“Technology really opens doors for so many young learners. I am excited to see what learning possibilities are in store for my class going forward. I am truly grateful for this opportunity.”

Shane Reader, Teacher, Hazelgrove Elementary


Central Canada

Teacher: Mistene S. Clapp

School:   Southview Public School(Grade 7)

Location: Napanee, Ontario
Link to Video:

“I am overwhelmed with gratitude to have such an amazing opportunity awarded to my class.  I am proud of all of them and am excited that we get to share this learning experience together.  Everything we do in our class is an expression of their abilities to learn and share and grow. I am just amazed. There aren’t words to describe how proud of them I truly am.”

Mistene S. Clapp, Grade 7 Teacher, Southview Public School


Eastern Winner

Teacher: Julie Marcus

School: Roslyn Elementary School K-6 Technology

Location: Montreal, Quebec

Link to Video:

“Winning this national contest solidifies that Montreal Roslyn students are media smart, learning invaluable skills for the 21st century!”

Julie Marcus, Teacher, Roslyn Elementary


The three contest winners will each be awarded over $15,000 in classroom technology prize packages totaling some $50,000. See the following link for further details:

This year’s sponsors and partners include:

Advanced Education (Ontario only), Dell, EPSON, ISTE, FrontRow, CGE (Centre for Global Education), C21 Canada, NFB (National Film Board), Promethean, SMART Technologies, The Padcaster, TakingITGlobal.




For further information, please contact:

Robert Martellacci

President & Publisher

Mindshare Learning Report



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