About The MindShare Learning Report™
Canada’s Learning & Technology eMagazine.
Discover The MindShare Learning Report™ – The MindShare Learning Report™ is Canada’s leading K12 and post-secondary learning and technology eMagazine. Our goal is to empower the K20 sector with the latest trends and best practices from the Canadian education market and beyond. Stay informed and inspired to help students thrive with our Mindshare TV Podcasts, Canadian & International news headlines, research and EdTech strategic events in the K-20 learning space.
Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of every month.
Please forward your news releases as web links to
Advertising opportunities are available, please contact,
MSL Report Rates
$950/month – Title Sponsor – Highlighted as issue sponsor and your 150-word ad will appear at the top of the issue
$800/month – Cross Canada Provincial Spotlight Sponsor Banner – Placement above the Provincial Spotlight section
$700/month – Premium K-12 Sponsor Banner – Placement above the K-12 section
$700/month – 21st Century Industry Leader Spotlight Sponsor Banner – Placement above the 21st Century Industry Leader Spotlight section
$500/month – Green IT Spotlight Sponsor Banner – Placement adjacent to the GreenIT theme photo
$400/month – Skyscraper Banner – Vertical banner placement in the left-sidebar (150 X 400 px)
$299/month – Strategic Sponsor Button Placement – Includes HTML link to a desired website (200 X 200 px)
Circulation: Over 30,000 copies of the MindShare Learning Report are passed across Canada, monthly. Receive 10% off for multiple issue insertions. Minimum 3 months. Not-For-Profits receive 50% off advertisement rates.
*Advertisement copy deadline to be supplied by 4pm EST on the Wednesday prior to the end of the month.
Maximum banner size 540 X 80 pixels
To access the current issue of the MindShare Learning Report, go to: www.mindsharelearning.com/report