Exclusive Podcast with Distance Learning Pioneer, Dr. Abraham Fischler


Dr. Abraham “Abe” Fischler is regarded as the Father of Nova for his pioneering spirit in taking taking Nova Southeastern University in Florida on a journey to become a national leader in distance learning. Dr. Fischler began his quest to improve the education system through technology as a high-school science teacher in New York in the 1950s. He believed that to truly reap the benefits of learning, every student must have a curriculum tailored to his own individual needs, including having content delivered in a manner and at a pace consistent with the students’ individual learning style.




Podcast Interview with Dr. Jeremy Friedberg, Spongelab Interactive

[audio:https://mindsharelearning.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Jeremy-Friedberg-Podcast-Edited.mp3|titles=Jeremy Friedberg Podcast Edited] Dr. Jeremy Friedburg, trained in molecular genetics and biotechnology, and now a long-time game-based learning educator for the sciences as a ...