MindShare Musings – The Connectors, Leaders, and People on the Move

Joe and LuisPortugal Visits MaRS! Pictured L-R: Robert Martellacci, MindShare Publisher, Luis Pinto, Education Business Director, JP — Inspiring Knowledge, Joseph Wilson, Sr. Education Strategist, MaRSDD

MindShare goes International! It was great hosting Luis Pinto, Education Business Director, JP — Inspiring Knowledge, Portugal who implemented the 1:1 computer deployment in Portugal. Our discussion around 21st century learning on a global scale was quite fascinating. Luis is also leading the P21 U.S. international working group to engage other countries such as Canada and our C21 initiative.

Incidentally, JP is one of Intel’s leading global distributors of the Intel based tablet clam shell tablet. Another cool innovation shared was their pop-up school.  We look forward to forging a partnership with JP given their innovation spirit and leadership in supporting countries in implementing large-scale technology projects.

It is confirmed through our reliable sources that the Ontario Ministry of Education will be announcing a new 21st century learning vision imminently barring a provincial election.

Congratulations to Karen Stefanishyn (Woods), now VP of sales at Edsby. It was great catching up with her  and  her husband Lorne over dinner recently.

It was great running into EdTech industry leader Dean Hannaford, now with Apple education Canada at  the Woodend Gala hosted by DSBN.

It was amazing mindsharing with Kendra Grant recently, a former Peel DSB education, turned  start-up entrepreneur  co-founded a company called Sublime Learning, then sold it . She shared a super cool new online learning tool called TouchCast. We look forward to Kendra contributing to the MindShare Learning Report.

There is always cool stuff happening out on the West Coast. Thanks to Chris Kennedy @chrkennedy: for sharing WV Director of Instruction @ and MindShare advisory board member, Gary Kern blog about making learning visible through e-portfolios http://t.co/9Dl1qBaLCu

Check this out as I do have an affinity for sport and fitness. You’ll be surprised to know the biggest ROI on your #health (Video). Thanks to @Docmikeevans #leadership http://t.co/QFNNCIJ1ln

Here’s a thought provoking article courtesy of our friends MaRSDD. How The Internet Of Things Is More Like The Industrial Revolution Than The Digital Revolution – Forbes http://t.co/DJh5NMG318 via @MarsDD

Time to head back to SXSWedu. Stay tuned for more news and highlights via our social networks. Be sure to keep us in the loop with you news and success stories!

Until next time, walk the digital talk!



OECD Report – 5 Things to Ponder

No doubt you’ve heard of the now oft-quoted OECD study entitled, Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connections (2015). And no doubt, probably before you’ve ...