The 16th Canadian MindShare Learning Schools of the Future: Student Innovation Challenge is a great opportunity for students to engage in challenge-based learning and contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to build sustainable SMART communities. This year’s innovation challenge aims to help support student learning by solving real-world problems and issues connected to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within their school, or local community.

This challenge calls upon teachers to submit student video projects showcasing their innovative solutions, which intend to address at least one UN Sustainable Development Goal. By participating in the challenge, students will have the opportunity to learn about and take action on important issues related to sustainability while developing valuable inventive and innovative skills in the process. Good luck to all participants!
Quote from Robert Martellacci, “We are thrilled to launch the 16th edition of the Schools of the Future Student Innovation Challenge; it represents a true digital transformation and evolution, giving students the opportunity to be agents of change in solving wicked challenges to inspire SMART & sustainable communities, aligned with the UN SDGs.”

WIN awesome tech prizes for your school

So, what are you waiting for? This is your chance to make a difference and show the world what you’re capable of. We wish all participants the best of luck and can’t wait to see your amazing innovations!

AboutTheContest TitleBanner

Now entering its 16th year with over $1 million in prizes awarded to support student learning, The Canadian Schools of the Future Challenge was launched in an effort to inspire excellence in teaching, learning & innovation happening in K12 publicly funded schools across Canada.

Be inspired by the incredible video submissions from our Hall of Fame Winners – they truly represent the best of the best when it comes to creative problem-solving and innovation. But this isn’t just about recognizing outstanding achievements – our ultimate goal is to bring equitable tech tools, knowledge, and resources to all publicly funded schools, so that every student has the opportunity to excel. Quote from Melissa Dent, 2023 Schools of the Future Challenge winning educator,“We at Rosedale take immense pride in our Girls Who Game and their ability to explore the global sustainability goals and implement them citywide through Minecraft.Our students embody the optimism and potential of future generations, who will serve as the catalysts for the transformative change required in the 21st century.”

Our goal is to help Canada K12 students become ‘real world’ problem solvers and garner future-ready skills to prepare them for their life after K12 . The CSFI Challenge is a fun, project-based activity that encourages teachers to engage their students in developing the 7 C’s of C21 Canada. By nurturing skills like critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity, we’re helping to create real-world problem solvers who are prepared to face any challenge that comes their way.

Research shows that technology-infused pedagogy has the power to transform teaching & learning. We can now create deeper and more authentic educational experiences through student-centered learning and the use of digital resources that have been made available to both teachers and students.

The design philosophy of this year’s innovation challenge aims to help support student-learning by targeting real-world UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and community challenges within the school, or local community.

Challenge Rules, Format and Submission Details

Teachers, challenge your students to solve real-world problems within your school community, leveraging at least one UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for inspiration to challenge students to invent solutions.

Teacher-inspired and student-led submissions will include a 2-3 minute video demonstrating students’ innovative innovation.

17 UN Sustainable development goals: Watch video.


Concepts to consider including in your video

  • Student choice and voice
  • Global competencies – The “7Cs”
  • Equity, diversity and Accessibility
  • Well-being
  • Inquiry-based learning
  • Project/Problem-based learning
  • Design thinking of the classroom/school building, learning commons, or makerspace to enhance learning
  • Success Criteria for a great video:

  • Ensure you are in a well-lit area — let us see how you are using technology
  • Capture authentic learning in action involving your students
  • Speak loud and clear; we want to hear what you have to say
  • Submissions Deadline is midnight PST on Friday, May 17, 2024
  • Prizes TitleBanner

    Over $50,000 in tech prizes up for grabs!

    MindShare Learning along with lead sponsor, Dell Technologies, and other valued sponsors including C21 Canada, Spectrum Educational Supplies, Lego Education, Nelson, Edwin, Steelcase, Smith Systems, Taking It Global, and Vireo Education, are pleased to announce the launch of the 16th Annual Canadian Schools of the Future Challenge.

    Winners will be announced in the June 2024 Top 10 Canadian EdTech MindShare Report

    How Will Prizes Be Awarded?

    The official announcement of the three (3) 2024 grand prize national winners will be shared in the June edition of the MindShare Learning Report. Sponsors will ship prize packages directly to the winning schools. Prizes are intended for utilization at the respective winning schools and not considered the teacher’s personal winnings.


    The judges are a MindShare Learning Report representative (1), MindShare Learning Board member (2) and last year’s contest winners (3), as well as special guest judges from Dell Technologies (4). The judging criteria rubrics, used by the judges, will be based on C21 Canada’s 7 C’s of 21st Century Learning. This rubric can be found below.


    C21 Canada 7C’s Global Competencies (Watch inspirational video )

  • Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Critical Thinking
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Character
  • Culture and Ethical Citizenship
  • Computer and Digital Technologies
  • Source: 7 C’s of 21st Century Learning Page 10


    Open to full-time educators and students in K12 publicly funded Canadian K12 schools.

  • All videos must include the MindShare Learning Technology logo and the name of the contest: Schools of the Future Student Innovation Challenge
  • Teachers making the contest submission to obtain the permission of parents or guardians of any minors (under the age of 18) that will be seen in the contest video
  • Teachers must seek approval from their school principal to participate.
  • Teacher-led student submissions (teachers and students) by a school are permitted and encouraged.
  • Submissions in video format must be uploaded to YouTube.
  • Video submissions can be no more than four (4) minutes in length and contain no copyrighted material.
  • All videos must include; the Mindshare Learning contest logo and the name of the contest.
  • Please seek appropriate approvals from video participants in the event your submission is successful and we wish to showcase your video.
  • Prizes must be accepted as awarded. There is no cash value.
  • Winners must be prepared to participate in virtual award ceremonies and agree to their photos being published.
  • *For further info please contact us at

    Please incorporate the provided logo and Contest Badge into your video.

    Congratulations 2023 National Winners!

    2022 National Winners!

    2021 National Winners







             Watch the Video                          Watch the Video                           Watch the Video                           Watch the Video


    2020 National Winners






             Watch the Video                          Watch the Video                           Watch the Video                           Watch the Video


    Congratulations to Logics Academy Canadian Storytelling in Minecraft Winners 2020



    2019 National Winners




    2018 Winners




    2017 Winners




    2016 Winners


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    2015 Winners

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