Mirella Rossi Mirellaaward-winning principal from my alma mater, Toronto Catholic District School Board. She is an experienced Principal, Instructor with York University in Toronto and is the creator of the Student Led Learning Walk. Mirella is the recipient of Canada’s Outstanding Principal Award in 2014 for her innovative work in transforming school communities. Mirella’s passion for learning, innovation and creativity has led her to continue studying as a Ph.D. Candidate at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Her sincere commitment to researching visible and engaging learning communities focuses on authentic systemic educational experiences that advance equity, student voice, achievement and well-being. Mirella’s work has been published in the Education Canada, the Ministry of Education of Ontario’s Leading Student Achievement Network for Learning, Catholic Principal Council | Ontario Principal Connections, TVO’s Teach Ontario digital platform and Dr. Lyn Sharratt’s book, Leading Collaborative Learning, Empowering Excellence.