MindShare Musings – The Connectors, Leaders, and People on the Move

Looking ahead into the new year, special thanks to Kristine Collins, NFB who invited me to present on a panel at SXSWedu in March entitled:  MediaLit Research & Advocacy: Lessons from Canada featuring speakers from: Mediasmarts, UNESCO, Mindshare Learning and the NFB. If you’ve not been to SXSWedu, I highly recommend this event! We celebrate a lot of special days and weeks through the year. Royan Lee shared this article via twitter from the New Yorker — Is Internet Addiction a Real Thing? I’m wondering if we need an internet addiction day, or month? I love twitter and it’s where I share and learn most days. Here’s a cool image I shared recently. image001 Continuing along the theme of online learning,  I came across these Top 10 facts that highlight the exponential growth we’ll be encountering over the next decade. The EdTech ‘tipping point’ has arried and theres no turning back! We welcome your comments! Here is a list of 10 facts about E-Learning.

  1. E Learning is the second most used training method among organisations, many companies are moving at a faster rate because of E learning and are breaking away from the traditional way of learning, where an instructor usually conducts the training sessions. The global market for E learning is expected to cross over $100 billion by 2015.
  2. E-Learning is eco- friendly. Recent studies done by the Open University at Britain have found that E-Learning consumes 90% less energy than traditional courses. Carbon dioxide emissions per students have also reduced by up to 85%.
  3. 25% of all employees leave their jobs mainly due to lack of training and learning opportunities. Whereas, on the other hand companies who do provide E- learning opportunities, generate about 26% more revenue per employee.
  4. Knowledge retention has increased from 25% to 60% just by E-Learning.
  5. Companies that incorporate E-Learning are able to save between 50% to 70% when replaced by instructor- based training. E Learning has proven to increase productivity as employees or even students no longer have to travel or rush to catch the bus or train to get to class.
  6. By 2016, the Asian E-Learning market is expected to reach $11.5 billion. Two countries with the highest growth rates in the world are Vietnam and Malaysia with 44.3% and 39.4% respectively. India comes close behind these countries with other countries such as Thailand, Philippines and China following soon.
  7. The term E-Learning was coined in 1998 and the pioneer behind it is ‘Jay cross’. The ELearning market is now more than 13 years old.Since then, E-Learning has continued to evolve rapidly and has dynamically changed the training industry.
  8. The“E” of E-learning was not only interpreted to mean “electronic”but was also meant to be interpreted as “exciting, energetic, enthusiastic, emotional, extended, excellent, and educational”.
  9. So far E-Learning has helped 72% of companies globally to keep up-to-date changes in their industry; this has helped each of those companies to know what it takes to be competitive within the global market.
  10. It has been estimated that E-learning will increase at an average rate of 23% till the year 2017.

Source: http://blog.originlearning.com/10-facts-about-e-learning/ Congrats to PREVNet’s Scientific Co-Directors, Dr. Wendy Craig and Dr. Debra Pepler, on winning 2014 SSHRC Partnership Award. They do excellent work around bullying prevention and we’re happy to be supportes of this fine organization. If you have a success story you’d like to share, please drop me a note! Until next time, walk the digital talk! Cheers, R.M.

The BETT Show 2013: Some Reflections

By Timothy Gard, Educator, Toronto District School Board @MindShareK12 Overwhelming. In fact, between the venue – The London Excel Centre, host to various 2012 Olympic ...