A MindShare Learning moment with soon to retire award winning, TDSB Principal, Cheryl Paige, who shares her secrets to success

A tribute to Principal Paige: It’s been an immense honour and privilege to have collaborated with Principal Paige while conducting my Master’s thesis research at Joyce Public School. Since that time, I’ve come to appreciate and value the excellent care and leadership that Ms. Paige displayed for her teachers and students. Her ability to empower, nurture and support her team with the essential tools helped engage and raise the bar for all students at Joyce Public School. She always emphasized the importance of strong pedagogy and linkage to curriculum with any technology deployment.

About Principal Cheryl Paige: She was honoured with the Claude Watson outstanding teaching award for innovation, The Learning Partnership Principal Award, Ontario Reading Association Award, her teachers have won prime minister and premier teaching awards; Joyce Public School has won two national technology awards and two TDSB awards for excellence during her tenure.

Through 41 years of dedication and vision, and with ferocious spirit, Cheryl has worked towards enhancing education for children. She has mentored and motivated teachers. She has explored innovative new technologies to help improve how students learn and how teachers teach.

Length: 23 minutes


Hardware Review: Apple’s iPad

  By Timothy Gard Educator, Toronto District School Board Find Tim on Twitter @soligard   There’s probably no  computer hardware  device more readily available today ...