Michael Fullan is Professor Emeritus of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. Recognized as a worldwide authority on educational reform, Michael is engaged in training, consulting, and evaluating change projects around the world and his books have been published in many languages. Michael Fullan is currently Special Advisor to the Premier and Minister of Education in Ontario. His book, Leading in a Culture of Change was awarded the 2002 Book of the Year Award by the National Staff Development Council and Breakthrough (with Peter Hill and Carmel Crévola) won the 2006 Book of the Year Award from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. A list of his widely acclaimed books, articles and other resources can be found at www.michaelfullan.ca
Five ‘Extra’ Considerations when Purchasing Technology by Timothy Gard, Chief Learning Strategist
Caveat Emptor. You can’t be too careful in this day and age when you purchase technology for your classroom, school or district. Some products, whether ...