Sun West is launching two new online courses through a partnership with the Western Equipment Dealers Association (WEDA). WEDA approached us to see if we would develop 2 high school courses that would highlight the career options in agriculture. WEDA funded the development of these courses and are commiting to funding a coordinator for 5 years assisting agricultural dealerships and school divisions place high school students in dealerships for hands on practicums. The dealerships will also fund the tuition costs of the online theory portion of these courses. The courses are: Agriculture Equipment Technician 20L and 30L (grade 11 and 12). Agricultural dealerships are having extreme difficulty attracting equipment mechanics and technicians. For us in education, it allows us to have more options for high school students that may provide more student engagement leading to increasing graduation rates.

MindShare Learning tours SMART Technology’s exhibit at FETC
We got a closer look at SMART Technology’s 800 series interactive whiteboard.