SIIA Codie Award winners take centre stage at the recent gala event at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco
The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), the principal trade association for the software and digital content industries, announced the winners of the 2011 CODiE Awards in the education technology industry yesterday. During a special awards reception and dinner, in conjunction with the organization’s eighth annual Ed Tech Industry Summit, 30 winners were recognized for products and services developed specifically for the K-20 market. Kudos to Karen Billings and her team at SIIA for hosting an excellent conference and awards celebration. R.M.
Congratulations to MindShare's friend, Robert Iskander, Founder & CEO of EduTone Corporation, "the EduTone Xchange™ who poses for a MindShare moment with his record three CODiE Awards
EduTone Sweeps the 2011 SIIA CODiE™ Awards for Education Technology Wins Three Major Awards including Best K12 Education Solution
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