A MindShare Learning Moment with Christopher Usih, the New Chief Superintendent of Schools at the Calgary Board of Education.

A MindShare Learning Moment with Christopher Usih

Christopher Usih is the New Chief Superintendent of Schools at the Calgary Board of Education, a position he has held since December 2018. He has more than 28 years of experience as an educator. He began teaching in an Indigenous community in Northern Manitoba but spent the majority of his career in diverse roles with the Toronto school district including teacher, principal, superintendent of student success, and other executive roles. A champion of public education, Mr. Usih is highly regarded for his commitment to equity, raising academic standards and addressing achievement and opportunity gaps. His responsive and collaborative approach has brought change to how students are supported.

MODSIM World Canada 2011

Title: MODSIM World Canada 2011 Location: June 21-22 Link out: Click hereStart Date: 2011-06-21End Date: 2011-06-22