EdTech start-up trend emerging in Canada

We’re beginning to see the EdTech start-up trend emerging in Canada. After a dozen or so years in this space, it’s rewarding to finally see the sector gaining the respect it deserves and going beyond the tipping point. When Google, Facebook  and Apple declare they’re venturing into the EdTech space, we know it’s one that cannot be ignored. This especially presents opportunities for the vast number of unemployed aspiring new educators to explore other career options.

Best cities for startups: Toronto ranks 4th on global list of best places to launch a tech company
13/04/12, Huffington Post Canada
California’s Silicon valley is still the world’s best — and most renowned — place to start a tech company, but Canada’s largest city is giving it a run for its money, according to a new survey.
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University of Waterloo awarded $1.6 million to establish virtual incubation program
17/04/12, University of Waterloo
The Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology Centre (Conrad) at the University of Waterloo today received a US$1.6 million grant that will boost countless student businesses.
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The great disconnect: Funding fails to keep pace with start-ups
27/04/12, Globe & Mail
It’s a simple supply and demand problem: As more startups are created, the amount of financing to support them has not kept pace. It means there are many promising startups that struggle to succeed or, for that matter, survive.
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MindShare Musings

As you may gather, I have the good fortune of attending a multitude of conferences and professional learning events — One of the most interesting ...