A MindShare Moment Podcast: Michelle Spencer, Director, Summits for Edsurge

UntitledMichelle.012214With conference season upon us, we kicked off October with the Edsurge Summit at MaRSDD. I had the honour and pleasure of attending the first ever Summit outside of the U.S. The Edsurge folks do a great job at engaging teachers and leaders in having a voice to provide feedback for product development purposes. I was was impressed with the teacher day and the ignite sessions. For a deeper dive, tune into my podcast with Michelle Spencer, Director, Summits for Edsurge.

Robert Martellacci, Publisher, MindShare Learning Report



Feature podcast with Terry Godwaldt

https://mindsharelearning.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Terry-Goldwelt-Edited.mp3 Terry Godwaldt is the founder and director of the Centre for Global Education, located at the Queen Elizabeth High School in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ...