MindShare Learning President featured in Market News

The beauty and challenge of the ‘commercial’ market for residential custom integrators looking to broaden their horizons is that it’s not really one market at all, but many, with no two segments much alike. Take the education market, for example. In fact, grab it if you can.

“It’s a very rewarding market if you become a leader,” says ed-tech consultant Robert Martellacci, President of Toronto-based Mindshare Learning. “Billions will be spent on technology in education.”

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Podcast with Dr. Richard Schmid, Professor, Concordia University

[audio:https://mindsharelearning.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Richard-EDITED.mp3|titles=Richard Schmid Podcast] Dr. Richard Schmid, Professor, Graduate Programs in Educational Technology, Concordia University Associate Director – Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance Dr. Richard ...