MindShare Learning President Featured in National Post Apple eBook Article

Apple’s iBooks 2 takes a bite out of education

, National Post (Jan 19, 2012)

 …….it is innovations like iBooks 2 that “raise everyone’s game,” said Mr. Martellacci. “Apple has accelerated the process that will benefit all teachers and students in the longer term.”

Apple Inc. on Thursday launched iBooks 2, its long-awaited iPad-based platform designed to usher in the “digital destruction” of the multi-billion-dollar textbook industry — but critics suspect the tech giant’s steep device costs will keep the platform out of reach for most school boards.

Read the full article here


Interview with Marc Kielburger

This month in the Youth File, I’d like to share an interview conducted via email with Marc Kielburger with a focus on technology, youth empowerment ...