Podcast with Dr. Richard Schmid, Professor, Concordia University

[audio:https://mindsharelearning.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Richard-EDITED.mp3|titles=Richard Schmid Podcast]

Dr. Richard Schmid, Professor, Graduate Programs in Educational Technology, Concordia University

Associate Director – Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance

Dr. Richard Schmid is an educational psychologist who conducts research in the following areas:

  • Role of writing in the acquisition of basic reading skills for at-risk K-3 children using a computer-based learning environment. Issues of tutor support, task effectiveness and efficiency, and CBLE design/functionality are being examined.
  • Applications of technologies to improve pedagogy and training in the workplace and schools, especially as applied to computer-supported collaborative learning and performance (funded by an SSHRC Strategics Grant).
  • Analysis of learning strategies and computer-mediated conferencing in in-class and distance education contexts. Learning strategies in educational and training environments, especially those related to complex, ill-defined domains of knowledge. Use of mental modeling techniques and neural nets in the analysis of learner behavior. Research program focuses on the use of concept mapping as a learning, representational, analytic and synthetic tool.
  • Projects requiring the assessment of both product development and implementation of technology-based support systems for NGO front line workers in the area of physical and mental health.