About Dean Shareski Dean Shareski is a Digital Learning Consultant with the Prairie South School Division in Moose Jaw, SK, Canada. I specialize in the use of technology in the classroom. He holds a Masters of Education in Communications and Technology through the University of Saskatchewan. Dean is also a sessional lecturer for the University of Regina. Since late 2004 he’s been immersed in understanding what the Read/Write Web is all about and how the new shape of knowledge changes how we all learn. Dean believes teachers and students ought to use technology to connect ideas and learners in safe, relevant, authentic ways to answer questions, share ideas and develop community. More important than any of that is my family. I’ve been married for 25 years to my lovely wife Paula. She’s a teacher-librarian and part time quilter. We have 4 children ages 23,20,18 and 11 and a dog named and Charlotte (Chinese Shar pei). They are all very different and yet all amazing.
Exclusive Podcast Interview with Dr. Sharon Friesen, Associate Dean for Professional and Community Engagement, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary
[audio:https://mindsharelearning.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Dr.%20Sharon%20Friezen%20UofC%20Interview%20Sept%2010.mp3] Dr. Sharon Friesen is the Associate Dean for Professional and Community Engagement in the Faculty of Education at the University of Calgary. She consults ...