3rd Annual Canadian EdTech Leadership Summit 2012: Tickets on Sale!

Tickets for the 3rd Annual Canadian EdTech Leadership Summit 2012 are on sale! The date is November 7, 2012 at York University in Toronto.

The 2012 Canadian EdTech Leadership Summit — Connecting to Success in Today’s Classroom — will be a full one-day connecting education and industry leaders for an opportunity to learn, connect, and to push the 21st century learning envelope forward in Canada!  The full-day summit experience encompasses:

  • Awesome roster of keynote speakers including Jay Collier, Keith Krueger, and Dean Shareski  – read their profiles
  • A Cross Canada Check-Up Panel focusing on challenges, opportunities,  emerging 21st century trends
  • A series of four incredible round table discussions including:
    > The Digital Classroom from Revolution to Evolution
    > The Funding Crunch
    > Leveraging Canada’s “Newly Released”  21st Century Skills Framework from C21 Canada
    >The Social Leader: Leveraging Social Media and Emerging Learning Models
  • Networking breaks throughout the day along with our cocktail reception following

For 2012, we will also be moving to the Tribute Communities Recital Hall at York University to accommodate our growing audience. Located on the South/East side of York University’s campus, the Tribute Communities Recital Hall is an absolutely stunning space that has that “TED Talks” feeling, we’re thrilled to call this new space home!

Looking forward to seeing you November 7th!

More Details on the Canadian EdTech Leadership Summit 2012:

3rd Annual Canadian EdTech Leadership Summit 2012 presented by MindShare Learning
November 7, 2012 @ York University
Register Now >>

Early Bird pricing available until September 30th! 

More details on accommodation, directions, speakers, agenda, and more on the main site > mindsharelearning.ca/summit

York University Campus Map

The Tribute Communities Recital Hall is located in the Accolade East Building (83 York Boulevard) on the S.W. corner of the Common and Ian MacDonald Blvd, on the campus of York University.

See Map →


UnPlug’d 2012

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