MindShare EdTech Summit Success

Publisher’s Reflections

Our 2nd Annual Mindshare Learning 21st Century EdTech Leadership
Summit-“MakingITHappen” has come and gone, yet the conversations continue. A passionate of  collection of EdTech leaders gathered at the York University’s Institute for Research on Learning technology from broad spectrum of education and industry leaders from K12, post-secondary and industry.

There’s no question, despite the growing trend toward eLearning, face-to-face interaction remains critical to the learning process. Hence, I’m a real
proponent of blended learning, which enables the magic of deep learning to
happen. If you missed our event, please click here to view the recorded
webcast, courtesy of ABEL. Checkout the pix below that captures highlights of the day.

Our survey responses revealed that 85% would attend a future Summit and 15% likely would attend. As the momentum continues to buiild, we’re looking at a larger venue for next year!

Special thanks to our esteemed delegates and sponsors for helping us “MakeITHappen” in 2011!  R.M.

MODSIM World Canada 2011

Title: MODSIM World Canada 2011 Location: June 21-22 Link out: Click hereStart Date: 2011-06-21End Date: 2011-06-22