November Top Ten Stories of the Month

We are thrilled to share our November Top 10 most popular news items with you.

1. Interview with Dr. John Seely Brown
MindShare Learning’s President Robert Martellacci catches up with Dr. John Seely Brown, keynote speaker at ECOO 2012. Listen here.

2. 21st Century Canadian Blogger Awards

We asked, you voted! The results are in for our first educational blogger awards. See the full list of honoured bloggers, Tweeters, and websites.

3. Canadian EdTech Teacher Survey
As part of the 5th anniversary celebration of the MindShare Learning Report and commitment to pushing the 21st Century envelope, we launched Canada’s first-ever teacher technology survey to better understand the emerging needs of classroom teachers across Canada. See the enlarged version here.

4. Review of Shifting Minds
Our K-12 editor Tim Gard reviews C21 Canada‘s newly released Shifting Minds document, a national framework and vision for public education in Canada. Read the review here.

5. Canada’s 21st Century Video Challenge 
There is less than a month to send in your video to be entered to win $50,000 in technology prizes for your class. We have enjoyed watching the videos that have already been sent in. Find out more information on how to submit your entry here.

6. CEA’s Exploring Contemporary Pedagogies for Teaching and Learning…in a Technology-Rich World
A MindShare Learning moment with Bruce Dixon of Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation. Listen here.

7. Bullying Awareness Week & Interview with Debra Pepler
Ahead of bullying awareness week, MindShare Learning talked to Dr. Debra Pepler, bullying expert at York University. Listen here.

8. Culture of Yes
Chris Kennedy won the Best Overall Edu Blog for Culture of Yes.

9. Ideas and Thoughts
Dean Shareski Best Edu Industry Blogger for Ideas and Thoughts.

10. TVO on the Road: Learning 2030 exploring the future of education kicks off a three-city tour in Kitchener-Waterloo October 27 & 28.
Learn more here.

Interview with leadership guru Robin Sharma

[audio:] One of the Worlds Most Trusted Leadership Advsiors -Top 5 Leadership Speaker Award (source: -Top 5 Leadership Guru (source: Robin Sharma is ...