Top 5 Ways to Sell That You Are Tech Savvy in a Tough Teaching Job Market

By TJ Fennell, Jr. Digital Education Consultant, MindShare Learning |  @TeacherTeej

I spent the past week delivering my resumes in person to various principals (or their school secretaries) in one of the GTA regions.  My resume was well received as it clearly showed that I am an advocate for technology in the classroom.  However, as I (anxiously) wait for the callback, I thought I would share some tips for communicating your passion for digital pedagogy.

1. Your resume should scream technology.  If you are fortunate enough to have a principal receive your resume on the spot, you better make that three-second glance at the paper count.  Avoid the corporate black and white blah. Go for something creative to show that you know how to use software beyond its type-and-print purpose.

2. Highlight your technological skills. Don’t leave out any details about how you have used technology in the classroom and how you have acquired the skills.  Perhaps it is self-learned or perhaps you are dedicated to professional development.  Be specific in the programs you have used and be prepared to elaborate on your proficiency (especially surrounding curriculum relationship)

3. Talk the tech talk.  While the principal is taking that three-second glance at your resume that screams technology, you better be talking technology simultaneously.  Don’t get wrapped up in buzz words, just be yourself and talk about what you know, what has worked in your classroom, and what you would like to do next.  If tech is your passion, then talk passionately about it.  You should know what is current in board initiatives regarding technology.

4. Don’t be a robot. This may contradict tip number three, but keep in mind that not all principals are techy and you will want to gauge their technological understanding throughout the interview. If you use big techy words, you’re going to lose their interest.  Keep it simple.  Explain thoroughly, but not too extensively, and remember that you may be more of a digital native than the digital immigrant interviewing you.

5. Be yourself. This applies to any job interview really, but I do feel it is important to remember. If you whirl buzz words around the room or rehearse the interview questions in front of a mirror for hours before the “big day”, then you will only be fooling yourself.  Know what you’re talking about, be confident in yourself, and don’t pretend to be more than you are.  Do your best, believe in your ability as a teacher, and nail that interview.

Good luck.

Gary Kern at TEDxWestVancouverEDU

Gary is the Director of Instruction for West Vancouver School District. He has always tried to figure out ways to make learning more engaging and ...