C21 Canada-Canadians for 21st Century Learning & Innovation, a newly formed not-for-profit organization comprised of education organizations and knowledge sector companies hosted a Summit on 21st century learning and officially launched the organization this past February 15th at the Kingbridge Centre, King City.
The Summit, entitled “Shifting Minds,” brought together 50 Canadian leaders to help C21 Canada create a national vision and framework for 21st century models of learning in Canada.
“As Canadians are increasingly concerned about the future for our children, there is now a need to inject a sense of urgency in the work to transform education. If not, thousands of children will continue to lose out on opportunities to grow and be successful,”says Ron Canuel, CEO, Canadian Education Association. “Our membership to C21Canada reflects our shared vision to tackle this issue head on.”
MindShare Learning played a key role envisioning the organization in collaboration with John Kershaw, former deputy minister from New Brunswick and his new company 21st Century Learning Associates. “It’s truly rewarding to see it all come together. It would not have been possible without the generous support of founding members from both education and industry. The collaboration we experienced at the Summit was powerful and the best is yet to come!” says Robert Martellacci, president & Publisher, MindShare Learning. Read more